Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Running out

It would seem that marketing professionals have run out of things to make women feel self conscious about. I base this on the proliferation of deodorant commercials that promise to give you gorgeous underarms. Has any guy ever really nudged his buddy with an elbow and said "check out that girl with the smooth underarms, damn she's hot."

Seriously ladies don't let them get to you. I don't know any guys that care or ever have cared what your underarms look like (as long as they aren't hairy). You have other attributes that keep us distracted enough not to notice. On one final note if you buy into the hype and use these products and get smooth sexy underarms don't get mad if we don't notice. We still love you, we just aren't looking there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what, you've never said that to HB?
funny blog :) we miss y'all!