Thursday, June 25, 2009

Singing songs with Daddy

This is the part where Daddy comes out and sings a silly song.

I made up a new song for Nathan today about his Penguin. It is to the tune of "Five Huge Hippos Hopping on a Hill".

Oh little penguin you are a flightless bird,
Oh little penguin tell me have you heard,
Oh little penguin you live where it it cold,
Oh little penguin that Nathan loves to hold.

He kept saying again until I was literally out of breath.


The Stein Family said...

That's definitely a special 'daddy thing' -- Chris has 're-worded' many songs for the kids and they love to hear them all the time.

Anonymous said...

that's fun, greg :o) i've "composed" many a song for mattie over the last 18 months. (yours sound better than mine, though!)

Cornbread said...

Now I have this stuck in my head:

Jenny says turn off the radio
Jenny says turn off the light
Jenny says turn off the video
You beat yourself up to bring yourself down
Let it go, let it go, let it go
Let it go, let it go, let it go